Co-curricular Activities:
The founder believed that the core aim of education is to foster all round development of a child. All round development essentially means intellectual, physical, moral, sensible and social development. There is a prime need of striking a balance between syllabus, curriculum, books and also co-curricular activities.
Bharateswari Homes believes, theoretical knowledge is enhanced when a co-curricular activity related to classroom teaching is practised. It also professes co-ordination, adjustment, speech fluency, extempore and debating skills among the students. As a whole it complements the objectives of Bharateswari Homes.
Teaching Method:
Learning and preparing lesson through teaching and eliciting effectively followed in Bharateswari Homes. Digital classrooms are also used in the process. Weekly and monthly evaluation on every subject is done with proper care by the subject teachers and a percentage of the marks added to the marks of Half yearly and final Examinations to make cumulative grade point (CGP) for individual student. Academic position of a student is determined by CGP.
Calisthenics : Spectacular Callisthenics by the students of Bharateswari Homes is highly praised at home and abroad. Students through practising Callisthenics enjoy their physical and mental fitness in a befitting manner of order and discipline. Physical Education Teachers of Secondary & Higher secondary sections conduct it with support from music and Dance Dept.
Cultural Activities: Bharateswari Homes is well known for its cultural activities. Music, Dance-Drama, Drama are regular here. To train and practise those, there are specialized teachers and trainers in the school.
Students’ Union :
In Bharateswari Homes curricular and co-curricular activities are complimentary to each other. Both activities are carried out with same importance. Students’ Union plays vital role to carry out both forms of activities. Union itself is a form of curricular activity.
Students’ union creates leadership quality among the students. It helps the routine work done in time. It can communicate with the authority & teachers to solve incidental problem of the students occured in day to day work. It is one form of class from which students get & practise moral lessons, discipline and responsibility.
President : Principal, Bharateswari Homes (Ex-officio). Vice- President, General secretary, Secretaries and members of different department that is cultural Dept, Games & sports Dept, Social Welfare Dept, Dining hall management Dept, etc. are nominated by the teachers’ council being approved by the Principal and Director.
1. Physics
2. Chemistry
3. Biology
4. Geography
5. Agriculture
6. Home Science

1. Central Library
2. Library (Primary Section)
Study Tour :
Each year, Bharateswari homes students have the opportunity to take part in study tour to a number of historical locations in the country. The tour experience is also complemented by a range of enjoyable activities. The tour enhances student’s aspiration to their studies in history, historical evidences and her proud legacy as human being. They share their study tour experiences through their written articles & reports as a team and as individuals.
Hostel Activities : Students of Bharateswari Homes are used to do their everyday work by themselves. They clean their dormitories, class rooms, school yard everyday being assisted and supervised by their teachers and hostel care taking staff. They also help in their kitchen and dining hall management. Students are divided into groups by the hostel authority to perform these duties.