At birth, every child is full of potential which we at Bharateswari Homes endeavour to help unlock. We know parents expect that on completion of studies here, the students should find it easy to enroll themselves into the best universities. We help them achieve this while being socially active as well as happy. It is our responsibility to ensure that every student is looked after and groomed to the highest standards.
Being a residential institution the children who study here pass more time among friends and teachers than with their parents and siblings. They grow up in a diverse environment with students from different faiths and background. The camaraderie they grow here lasts a lifetime.
At Bharateswari Homes we always try to follow the latest development in the field of education and implement those to remain on a par with the changing world. To attain the best results, we believe in common understanding among the teachers, students, and parents. Above all, we always try to inculcate the principles of our founder which basically is service to humanity.
Join us on a mission to grow future leaders!
Mandira Chowdhury